The picture above is Lenna-Grace only 3 days old.
The picture below is at 10 weeks old.
Everyone wants to know who she looks like. To some, she looks like John. To others, she looks like me. And of course, others believe she is too young to tell. I thought I would show a few pictures and let everyone decide for themselves. Of course, as she grows, she is going to change in many ways. However, for now--take a look at the photos below.
The picture above is of Lenna-Grace at 7-weeks. The picture on the
bottom is of me when I was a baby. She's wearing my dress!!
I will try to keep updating on the growth of this beautiful angel. I call her my "punkin" and John calls her his "pooh bear." She has many names already!
She looks like her beautiful mommy...but she does have some of John's qualities. The boys call her their sister when no one is listening, otherwise she is Gracie to them and chunky monkey to me, until she is old enough to understand those!!!! I have been known to call her punkie doodle as her garmmie calls her. Either way she has a village and we adore her but I try really hard not to be overbaring or bombarding but I have always had my lil sis keep me in its my turn...LOL!!!! JK love ya sis but ~ I do hold you to a higher standard and expect more of her now that she is a mother ~ sorry if I seem judgemental or bossy or rude even.
That's all okay, Sis. I still love you even if you are overbaring at times. I know you mean well--I can ignore things I feel are rude:) haha.
Amber she's beautiful! I was so glad to see you on my blog :) They're so much fun... it looks like you all are doing great - what a great blessing!! You know what else, everyone isn't kidding when they say it goes so fast! Cooper is 9 months old already and almost walking! I can't believe how much life has changed...
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