Our Baby Girl
Lenna-Grace Caroline Robinson
April 8, 2009
8 lbs, 9 oz, 21.5 inches

Our baby girl is no longer a baby. Lenna-Grace is now a toddler! Last Thursday, Lenna-Grace celebrated her 1st birthday. Well, we actually held her party on April 3, but on April 8 she turned 1!!
It's hard to believe that she's already a toddler. Everyday with her is amazing. Here's some of her wonderful accomplishments in a year!
- Crawling--she began at SIX months!
- Going up and down the stairs! (she began going up at about 8-months and down at 11-months). She's so good at it now that she thinks she can go anywhere!
- Pulling up and walking with walkers, pushing chairs, pushing her own stroller, and holding onto one hand. Basically, walking but refuses to do it all by herself. But she LOVES pushing anything and everything.
- Sleeping well! She's a great sleeper. She sleeps 12 hours every night and takes two 1.5-2 hour naps during the day.
- NO BOTTLE!! At the beginning of 11-months, we took away her morning bottle and gave her whole milk in a cup with a straw. Then about two weeks later we took away the afternoon bottle. Last Tuesday she had her LAST bottle. She is doing perfectly fine without it.
- TEETH!! Wow--the little one has NINE of them now. She has the four top and bottom, as well as one back tooth on top. It looks like another bottom one is coming too!
- Independence. She is such an independent little one. She loves playing with anyone, but she can play by herself very well.
- Reading--she LOVES to have books read to her. It is great when your child points to the book shelf and groans at bedtime.
- Pointing-yes, she points at everything she wants.
- Vocal. Lenna-Grace giggles, babbles and talks all day. She says mama, dada, bye-bye, and cookie (twice).
- Dances. She loves to move to music. She will sway or bounce all day.
- Eating. She loves to eat. She loves green beans and oranges especially, but eats just about anything will give her.
- Patty Cake--this is the cutest! She will clap while I sing. She use to just clap, but now she will "roll 'em"!
Needless to say, our little angel is growing up so fast. We are so blessed. She is wonderful! She does know how to throw a small temper here and there, and we are beginning to address her outburst when she does not get what she wants. When we move into our new home (in 2.5 weeks), I will begin potty training--yes, she will only be 13 months, but I think she will do great.
Here's her Easter picture/1st birthday picture. She's beautiful!!

Enjoying her birthday cake
22 lbs, 6 oz, 30 inches!
Happy Birthday Lenna-Grace, we love you!!